Abigail Mutamuko

We are a business that is seeking to make a profit, yes, but we also have a responsibility to the community we operate in. We have done some great work to provide ablution facilities in poor areas and there is a lot more that we can do.

We are a business that is seeking to make a profit, yes, but we also have a responsibility to the community we operate in. We have done some great work to provide ablution facilities in poor areas and there is a lot more that we can do. However, I feel we have a lot of ground to cover in playing our part to address the gender inequality in society. It is concerning that in the average household, the person cleaning or maintaining the toilet is a woman, yet when it becomes a professional job, the role is completely dominated by men. Hitbay has done well to recruit women in the team and to ensure that the working environment allows for this. I would like to challenge the board and management of Hitbay to take it a step further and raise awareness in our community about empowering women.

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